Compatibility: Works with Laser and Inkjet Printers, LabelChoice offers templates. To receive the template, contact us and we will send it to you.
Specifications: 1 x 2-5/8 inch - 30 up shipping address labels, 30 labels per sheet, 100 sheets, 3000 Labels. the 30 up return address labels used high quality material, and more 30 per page address labels can be placed in laser & inkjet printer to reduce the times to replace it
LabelChoice: Choice high-quality materials to make better labels
Product usage: Perfect for shipping or mailing packages, return address labels, organizational stickers, warning warehouse signs, or creating custom sticker labels & more
Easy to use: Labels remove quickly and easily from the backing sheet without any tears or rips; simply bend the label sheet to expose the pop up edge, peel off your label and apply. Matte white surface is similar to writing paper. Write on it with pens, pencils or markers